Trakehner association
Dedication, a passion for breeding and the strong will to prevent a century old breed from extinction have made a decisive contribution to saving the Trakehner horse in the time after 1945. Various institutions have done their share by raising funds and lobbying for Trakehners on a political level.
The East Prussia Foundation (Stiftung Ostpreußen) as an organisation of persons evicted from the region deals with all issues that affect the former home of the Trakehner horse.
The Trakehner Horse Foundation’s (Stiftung Trakehner Pferd) objectives are similar to those of the Association for the Promotion of the Trakehner (Trakehner Förderverein). Every year, on the occasion of the stallion market, the foundation awards a special merit award for the approved stallion with the highest jumping score.
The former Main Stud Trakehnen with its hippological importance is a unique piece of cultural heritage. UnfortunaPhoney, the buildings have not emerged unscathed from war and planned economy. Large parts have been destroyed and only very little has been done in the way of reconstruction. Even Trakehnen’s centrepiece, the State Equerry’s House was under threat of falling into a state of disrepair. The Association of Friends and Sponsors of the former Main Stud Trakehnen (Verein der Freunde und Förderer des ehemaligen Hauptgestüts Trakehnen) has set itself the objective to stop the decline: with the approval of the local population and the Russian authorities, renovation of the Western wing – which has been housing a primary school since the 1940ies – was started. Walls were drained, windows replaced. Now, the point has come where the derelict roof needs to be repaired, not least to allow schooling to continue. The legendary Trakehner Gate was also restored.
The Association of Friends and Sponsors of the former Main Stud Trakehnen (Verein der Freunde und Förderer des ehemaligen Hauptgestüts Trakehnen) is recognised as a non-profit organisation.
The accosiations contact data:
1. President:
Dr. Peter Richterich
Rückamp 5
59320 Ennigerloh
2. President:
Daniela Wiemer
Matthias-Claudius Str. 36
24782 Büdelsdorf
Bernd Klausing
Bahnhofstr. 5
31832 Springe
Imke Pilgrim
Im Fuchsloch 5a
21378 Scharnebeck
The annual minimum fee is 40 Euros.
Bank details for donations and contributions: Stadtsparkasse Südholstein
IBAN: DE68 2305 1030 0000 2847 26
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