Federal Mare Show 2014
It was a weekend of elegant Trakehner mares at one of Germany’s most traditional studs: The 6th Federal Mare Show of the Trakehner Association at the Main- and County Stud Neustadt-Dosse enters the Trakehner horse’s history as a model for success.
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Ladies Game – Trakehner Champion mare is called Kalla
Protagonist in this success is the highly elegant Trakehner mare Kalla, a daughter of Cadeau and Kashooga by Matador. The eight-year-old bay State Premium Mare from the breed of Sander Gellhaar in Steinau impressed all down the line. The proclamation of the Champion crowned weekend, very special for the Trakehner breed.
The Champion Mare 2014, Kalla, is owned by Corinna Osinski (Taucha) since being a foal. In 2006, she fell in love with the beautiful filly at the Trakehner Championships in Hanover and bought her at auction. Now, Corinna Osinski was able to lead her noble lady from the field as Federal Mare Champion.
In all, more than 120 mares were presented in Neustadt-Dosse; 15 outstanding Trakehner mares of all ages made it to the final. Next to Kalla, the Reserve Champions earned rapturous applause: The only two-year-old First Reserve Champion Fleur, a Kentucky – Grafenstolz daughter from the breed of Dr. Renate Wernke-Schmiesing, owned by the stud G’Schlössl Murtal, already impressed in her category. To succeed in this elite competition as such a young mare proves great class. The Second Reserve Champion is also Champion of the half blooded mares: Odelia by the great Lauries Crusador xx from Ode II by Hohenstein from the breed of Ralph Vogel and the ownership of Stud Radegast. Athletic talent and elegance were the main features of this group.
Emma Peel is Trakehner Champion of the Year
The Federal Mare Show was also stage to the proclamation of the Trakehner Mare of the Year, which is traditionally chosen from the category of three-year-old mares. The new bearer of this title is the State Premium and Premium Mare Emma Peel, sired by Kentucky – Summertime. The proud owner of Emma Peel is Gabriele Pothen; the family Pothen is also breeder of the beautiful mare. With Sasuela by Oliver Twist, Stud Heinen-Issum in Krefeld provided the First Reserve Champion. Second Reserve Champion is the three-year-old Pecunia by Zauberfürst-Herzruf from the breed of Beate Heise, who travelled to the Federal Mare Show from Bavaria.
Family Category as highlight of the Competition
Always an absolute highlight, are the family categories, i.e. mares with direct descendants presented together. Six very special mare collections were presented in Neustadt-Dosse. A sight, which lets breeders’ hearts beat faster. Anyhow, the mares are the most precious reservoir of every horse breed. Consciously considering athletic potential for the breeding progress, the judges voted the family of Loa Loa as best, and thus, the dashing chestnut colour: The 17-year-old Ivernel – Caprimond daughter Loa Loa trotted to the top, flanked by two outstanding daughters – Lillifee and Lilie – both sired by the Trakehner stallion Rheinklang. The three large-framed chestnuts with strong movements from the breed and ownership of Hartmut Gremmes, Jühnde, were celebrated enthusiastically by the audience in Neustadt-Dosse. The Ib-Prize was given to the family of Flamenca; the 1c-Prize to the family of Karena III.
Overall, the presented mares of all age categories, as well as the half blooded and thoroughbred mares, impressed with their quality. The older Trakehner mares as well as the very young mares of the world’s oldest riding horse breed provide an outstandingly secured pedigree and don’t want for anything in character or conformation.
Two-year-old mares
FLEUR by Kentucky – Grafenstolz (B.Renate Wernke-Schmiesing, O.: Stud Murtal) was liked best by the judges, followed by AMBIENTE by Oliver Twist – Hofrat bred by Heinen, Issum. Also presented in the final were KATNISS EVERDEEN by Saint Cyr – Freundenfest (B.a.O. Stud Hämelschenburg) and HIRTENGOLD by Herbstkönig – Lord Luciano from the breed of von Schöning.
Four-year-old mares
This class was championed by last year’s Mare of the Year TANZMUSIK by Herzruf – Grafenstolz from Stud Panker; 1b went to GRETA by Oliver Twist – Hofrat (B.: Horst a. Isabel Ebert, O.: Hella Kuntz); 1c to Elfado-Michelangelo-daughter SCHNEEPRINZESSIN from the stud Tasdorf; 1d PERLMUTT by Oliver Twist – Latimer (B.: Stud Bönninghardt Günter Heitfeld, O.: Stud G’Schlössel Murtal).
Five-year-old mares
KONORA is the name of the Champion of the five-year-olds, highly praised by the judges. The daughter of Hofrat – Arogno, from the breed and ownership of Barbara Jörn, convinced with an excellent character and large-framed, effective movements. 1b was given to KENDRA by Freudenfest – Exclusiv from the breed and ownership of Sabine Langels, whose body harmony and regularly active hind legs were especially mentioned. 1c received DELIA by Münchhausen – Partout (B.: ZG Paschen-Pisarik, O.: Gestüt G’Schlössel Murbach) and 1d went to Imke Pilgrim’s enchanting Imperio-daughter CHANDRA, a daughter of the unforgotten Calistra by Key West.
Six- and seven-year-old mares
In two groups, the six-and-seven-year-olds were presented and the top team represented the variance, which fertilizes the small Trakehner population: on place 1a resides the divine brood mare model KAMBRA by Kasimir – Tambour (B.: Dr. Elke Söchtig, O.: ZG Klingbeil/Richterich); current State Championess in Hessen. The 1b-Prize went to the renowned stud of Elke von Lingelsheim to Rondeshagen: the great Renaissance Fleur TSF sent her daughter REMINISZENZ by Kaiser Wilhelm, who had the best movements in her group and was thus placed in the front. 1c went to DONAUGLÜCK by Occacio – Consul (B.a.O. Peter Hauschild) and LILLIFEE by Rheinklang – Ivernel (B.a.O. Harmut Gremmes).
Eight- till ten-year-old mares
In this class some foals at foot ensured dynamics and the judges showed themselves delighted with the condition of the mares, as well as with the consistently shown ground covering walk. KALLA by Cadeau – Matador, once auction foal at the Championships in Hanover, bred by Sander Gellhar and owned by Corinna Osinski, was liked for her correct conformation and her continually rhythmic and energetic movements. She was placed at 1a. 1b went to KALUNA by Soler from the house Schümann auf der Rabenau, who was presented with offspring. 1c went to PERGAMON by Donaufischer – Sokrates (B.a.O. Beate Heise), on 1d followed by HERMINE by Le Rouge – Tivano (B.: Sabrina Peters-Kohn, O.: Christian Röhl)
Eleven- and twelve-year-old-mares
The class of the eleven- and twelve-year-old mares was championed by JOSEPHINE by Hohenstein – Marduc, who has been successful in advanced dressage tests (B.: Ingo Dieck, O.: ZG Leonie und Bernd Klausing) followed by KARENA III by Freudenfest – Exclusiv from Stud Hämelschenburg, CORNÈ by Buddenbrock – Illuster (B.: Julia Voigtländer, O.: Frank Martens Bruns) and LINDA XVIII by Almox Pornts J – Sixtus (B.a.O.: Dr. Manfred Klötzer)
13- and 14-year-old mares
The class of the 13- and 14-year-old mares was championed by KARLOTTA by Lehndorff’s – Mahagoni from the breed and ownership of Herbert Stefan Schümann. 1b went to TAMIRA V by Buddenbroock – Kant (B.: Barbara Woltmann, O.: Anja Boggel a. Andreas Hübner) followed by La Bostella TN by. Karo Ass – Marduc (B.a.O.: Klaus Dieter Marggraf) and SANTA FEEV by Freudenfest – Rockefeller (B.Georg Pleister, O.: ZG Thoms/Richterich).
Half blooded and Thoroughbred mares
The significance of the blood in noble horse breeding was emphasised by Judge Dr. Astrid von Velsen in her commentation, and she praised the diversity of the presented mares. The six-year-old champion ODELIA v. Lauries Crusador xx – Hohenstein from the breed of Ralph Vogel and the ownership of stud Radegast, convinced with her charisma and a top foundation and thus qualified for the final. A divine white mare from a thoroughbred mother received the 1b Prize: ABENDSONNE IX by Sonnenstrahl – King of Macedon xx (B.: Gabriele Fricke, Rosengarten) and presented herself as something very special with her large frame and interesting lineage. 1c went to WALUNA by Uckermärker – Helikon xx from the breed of Mangold in Jerichow and 1d to KAJANA by Ibisco xx – Kostolany (B.: Heinrich Lasser, O.: Stud G’Schlössl Murtal)
Jumping Class
There was a strong competition in the jumping class, which was part of the Federal Mare Show for the first time. The final brought the six-year-old OLALA by Sixtus – Donaumonarch (B.: Harald Riedl, O.: Ina Richter) with brilliant athletic successes to the top, followed by the three-year-old CHICA P by Herbstbach – Germanicus Rex from the breed and ownership of Georg Pleister. Further finalists of the jumping class were: LILITH by Axis – Tuareg (B.u.O.: Jürgen Knees) and HERBSTSONNE by Heops – Giorgio Armani (B.: Christoph Bendfeldt, O.: Christin Bendfeldt)
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