Broodmares (excepting SB II and prebook- mares) receive the title premium mare, if they get at least 54 points for conformation in the studbook registration and a score of at least 7.0 in the broodmare test or 53 points for confirmation in the studbook registration and a score of at least 7.5 in the broodmare test. The results of the broodmare test may be substituted by sport achievements.
Further title
The best three-year- old mares compete for the title Trakehner Champion-Mare of the Year on Trakehner Stallion Market in October.
Special Premium Registers of the Deutsche Reiterliche Vereinigung (FN) show outstanding performances by entering the mares into special performance based studbooks, as in for example own achievements under the rider (Lst.Stb.B), fertility (Lst.Stb.D) and performance of offspring in competitions (Lst.Stb.C).
Entering Form
Additionally, the Trakehner Association organises impressive shows in federal states and for the whole republic every 7 years. The breeders thus get the opportunity to judge the position of his products on the market and the shows do also give a good impression of the Trakehner breeds general position.