Dates for performance tests
Neumünster (TV): Stallions: The Trakehner Verband draws attention to the homepage www.hengstleistungsprü where you will not only find the stations and dates, but you can also register your stallion for the stallion performance test. Furthermore you can see the results of these tests.
Mares and remounts: On the hompage of the Trakehner Verband all known dates where trakehner mares and remounts are allowed to take part are published under the section dates, Stutenleistungsprüfungen. Under the section service interested breeders can download the pamphlets “Guideline broodmares test” and “Preparation broodmares test”
If you have any further questions contact the office of the Trakehner Verband (studbook department, Wiebke Rosenthal, 0 43 21 – 90 27 16,